Optimizing Temperature Measurement Accuracy in the Electric Power Industry Webinar

Optimizing Temperature Measurement Accuracy in the Electric Power Industry
In this recorded webinar, learn how target size, distance to target, IR camera resolution, and optics all play a vital role in a thermographer’s ability to accurately measure component temperatures. We use real-world IR imagery from the electrical power industry as well as real examples of how inaccurate temperature measurements can lead to poor maintenance decisions that can affect equipment reliability.
Although this webinar focuses on electrical components, the IR theory translates to any application where distance-to-target must be maintained and accurate temperature measurement is critical to safety and equipment reliability. It is presented by Matt Schwoegler, a thermography instructor and course developer for the Infrared Training Center (ITC), the world leader in IR thermography training.

Question and Answers
When acquiring a temp read in the air how one does get the emmissivity to get Absolute temp, from a drone?
There is a standard proceedure and a lot of time is devoted to how you can calculate emissivity in our Level I thermography training classes. Tabulated emissivities are not always accurate, but are better for high e targets (80-90+% e). The procedure is similar to looking at the target from the ground. If you would like to learn more about emissivity, you can also go to irtraining.com for some free online courses.
How big of a factor is the reflected temp setting?
The lower the emissivity, the more important this factor becomes.
What camera is best for home inspections and energy audits?
The minimum resolution RESENT allows is 160 × 120 but the better the resolution, the better your results. Thermal sensitivity is another important factor and better than 100 mK is suggested.
Which model would you recommend for facilities (Electrical/Mechanical)?
A camera with multiple ranges. For indoor electrical and mechanical, a minimum of 120 × 160 resolution, however, 320 × 240 would be better. For outdoors (switchyards, etc.), a camera with a minimum of 640 × 480 resolution is preferred, and you're going to want to consider a telephoto lens. Having a camera with the capability to have an optional lens is essential.
Please view our on-demand webinar page from infraredtraining.com for links to a helpful webinar on FLIR drones with infrared cameras.
Are there lens upgrades or replacements available for some models?
Yes, depending on camera model, we do have wide angle and telephoto optics available.
I have a DM285. and as I remember, it is drop-proof/resistant. Is this correct?
Yes, this does have a drop rating. Please contact FLIR support at [email protected].